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What Does a Recovery Coach Do?

Last Updated on August 29, 2023

taylor wilson active recovery companions
Taylor Wilson
Certified Recovery Specialist
a recovery coach speaking to a male client during a one on one session

With all the buzz about recovery and coaching thrown around these days, it's easy to get confused as to what a recovery coach does and how it plays a role in the life of someone who's recovering from substance abuse.

In this article, we explore what a recovery coach is and how a recovery coach can help. Our goal is to further clarify if having one is the right choice for someone at any point in their recovery. If you have any questions or would like more information, please don't hesitate to contact us.

What is a Recovery Coach?

A recovery coach, also known as a sober coach, is a trained professional who plays a pivotal role in the journey toward overcoming substance abuse and embracing a healthier, more fulfilling life. Unlike a therapist or counselor, a recovery coach is not a clinician; they are a guiding partner dedicated to offering practical support and guidance.

The concept of recovery coaching emerged as a response to the evolving needs of individuals in early recovery. Traditional inpatient treatments often lacked continuous post-treatment support. Sober coaches bridge this gap by providing ongoing assistance and accountability, guiding individuals through the challenges of addiction, and facilitating necessary lifestyle changes.

Recovery coaches serve as a beacon of hope and understanding, assisting not only the individual in recovery but also their family members. With a recovery coach by your side, you gain a valuable mental health companion, empowering you to embrace lasting positive changes on your road to long-term sobriety.

What do Recovery Coaches Do?

There are many things a recovery coach does to support clients in successful change and staying sober, such as:

  • Goal Setting: Recovery coaches help individuals set achievable life goals and develop strategies for reaching them.

  • Relapse Prevention: Sober coaches teach valuable skills for managing triggers and preventing relapse.

  • Mentorship and Support: Coaches provide mentoring to help their client form healthier habits and routines.

While a sober coach may be key to receiving the support and recovery strategies needed in rehab, they also recognize the importance of discipline and willpower. This is where a sober companion can be invaluable. Sober companions provide day-to-day support and accountability, ensuring that the progress made with a recovery coach is maintained and reinforced.

Can Recovery Coaching Get Me Sober?

Recovery coaching can absolutely help! Coaching is not only helpful but often a vital component for a successful journey to rehabilitation.

If you're wanting to get sober, recovery coaching is essential for reasons such as:

  • Personalized Mentoring: A recovery coach tailors strategies to your unique circumstances, addressing triggers and challenges associated with substance use issues.

  • Skill Development: They equip you with practical life skills that help you manage cravings, cope with stress, and build healthier habits.

  • Bridge to Normalcy: Recovery coaching helps you transition from inpatient treatment to everyday life, providing the support needed for a smooth adjustment.

While recovery coaching is a powerful resource, it's important to remember that its effectiveness is maximized when combined with a comprehensive recovery plan and strong family support.

A sober coach acts as a dedicated partner in your recovery from addiction, offering guidance, mentorship, and motivation. However, your commitment, coupled with a supportive environment, will be the driving force toward achieving long-term sobriety from addictive substances.

Why Hire a Recovery Coach?

A recovery coach brings expertise in addiction recovery and can provide personalized strategies tailored to your journey. They keep you on track with regular check-ins, reducing the risk of relapse and maintaining consistent progress.

A sober coach considers the broader aspects of your life, focusing on your well-being beyond substance use disorder, and fostering lasting positive changes.

By hiring a recovery coach, you're investing in a dedicated life coach who understands your journey of recovery from alcohol or substance use. They not only offer structured guidance but also serve as a supportive ally, empowering you to build a healthier, substance-free life.

Sponsoring vs. Recovery Coaching


  • Peer Experience: Sponsors are often individuals in recovery themselves, offering personal insight and shared experiences.

  • 12-Step Approach: Sponsoring is closely tied to the 12-step recovery model, offering a structured path based on spiritual principles.

Recovery Coaching:

  • Professional Guidance: Recovery coaches are trained experts who offer evidence-based strategies tailored to an individual's unique circumstances.

  • Holistic Approach: Recovery coaching considers various aspects of life, beyond addiction, and focuses on personal growth and overall well-being.

Can Active Recovery Companions Help You?

Absolutely! Active Recovery Companions is here to help any person who wishes to lead a drug-free and sober lifestyle. Contact us to discover how we can kickstart your journey today.

taylor wilson active recovery companions

Taylor Wilson

Owner & Certified Recovery Specialist

Taylor Wilson is an experienced author, owner of Active Recovery Companions, and a Certified Recovery Specialist. Since 2015, Taylor has provided personalized recovery coaching to diverse clients, from high-profile individuals to young adults seeking assistance in various areas of life. With a background in Sociology and Psychology, along with certifications in CPR, CRS-1, PADI Scuba Diving, MITT, and NASM-CPT, Taylor offers holistic support and guidance. Their own journey of sobriety since 2012 adds a personal touch to their work. Through their writing and compassionate coaching, Taylor empowers individuals, fostering personal growth and helping them lead fulfilling lives in recovery.

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Active Recovery Companions: Your trusted source for sober companions, sober coaches, and sober transport services. Our experienced professionals provide personalized support, guidance, and accountability, helping you achieve lasting sobriety and a fulfilling life in recovery. Let us be your partner in the journey to wellness.
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